News 2014-2015
Here we share some of the accomplishments of our CCS math
- Lingyu Du got an offer for an internship in China
- Jacob Fauman will be participating in the UCLA REU
next summer.
- Zhixing Guo will be participating in the Fields
Undergraduate Summer Research Program in Toronto, Canada.
- Mark Rychnovsky is one of the sixteen California students
who has been granted the prestigious Barry Goldwater
scholarship this year.
- Jeremy Irvin has got offers for an internship next summer
from two excellent companies: Microsoft (to be a Program
Manager) and Pixar (to be Data Science Intern). He has
decided to accept the offer from Microsoft.
- Yingying Wang will be participating in the Conference
Women and Mathematics, organized by the Institute of
Advanced Studies in May. Also, she will spend the summer
working as a counselor for the program PROMYS (Program in
mathematics for young scientists).
- Mark Rychnovsky will attend the UC Berkeley 'Geometry and Topology' RTG Summer Research Program for Undergraduates during the Summer.
- Mark Rychnosvky presented the poster: "Colored Strongly
Regular and Colored Quasi-Random Graphs", in the Joint
Mathematics Meetings this year, in San Antonio, TX.
- AnaSophia Eiseman presented her poster "Graph
Products and Quasi-Strong Regularity" at the UC Leads
Symposium at UC Merced on March 21st.
- Kevin Malta has been accepted into the UCSB 5 year BS/MS
in Computer Science as a double major math-computer science.
- Chloe Avery and Talon Stark gave the talk: "A really great
presentation... or Knot" in the Pacific Coast Undergraduate
Mathematics Conference, held in Thousands Oaks, on March 14,
- Richard Carini, Nikola Kapamadzin, and Connor Lemp gave the talk: "The world's NP-hardest game" in the Pacific Coast Undergraduate Mathematics Conference, held in Thousands Oaks, on March 14, 2015.
- Nicolas Geis, Thien Hoang, Adam Reevesman, and Mi Yu gave the talk: "The game of Slife" in the Pacific Coast Undergraduate Mathematics Conference, held in Thousands Oaks, on March 14, 2015.
- Taom Sakal gave the talk: "Sequential Dynamical Systems and the iterated phase space" in the Pacific Coast Undergraduate Mathematics Conference, held in Thousands Oaks, on March 14, 2015.
- Sarafina Ford and Taom Sakal have been accepted into the
UCSB Math REU program to do research for 8 weeks next summer
together with other 10 students from other universities in
the country.
- In the spring quarter, our Life After CCS speaker was
Matthew Adams.
- Naomi Burkhart will start the Master's in Mathematics here
at UCSB in the Fall.
- Mark Rychnovsky has published his first research paper in
a refereed journal.
- Zhixing Guo has been awarded a Small Research Grant for
Spring 2015.
- Benjamin Chang got an internship in WORKDAY, a company in
the Bay area, during Summer 2015.
- In the winter quarter, our Life After CCS speaker was CCS
alumni Jeffrey Danciger, now assistant professor at
University of Texas, Austin.
- Ashton Meginnis has been admitted to the PhD program on
Aeronautic Engineering at Stanford. Congratulations, Ashton!
- Zehui Xiang and Jie Yan have been awarded a Small Research Grant for Winter 2015.