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"Being a CCS math major has made me push the boundaries of what I believe I could do as a student. Most of all what makes CCS an excellent program is the support group that comes with taking classes with only 12-15 students. Having such a small group makes you know that when the classes get tough, you're not alone. The group I've learned I can most depend on in this school are my colleagues in CCS math." Conor O'Sullivan CCS Mathematics Student

    Math major requirements




In addition, every student should take 9 elective math classes. Those classes could be undergraduate or graduate classes. Some examples of undergraduate classes available are:



Some elective math classes could be taken in the Statistics Department,

Most students are able to fulfill these requirements in their first three years at UCSB. After that, they are encouraged to take graduate courses and pursue independent studies.  A master’s program is also available. 

Classes that count as major requirements.

CCS math courses are not letter-graded. But a variable number of units is assigned to each student. For a CCS math class to count as a major requirement, at least 3 units (for a 4-unit class) or 4 units (for a 5-unit class) are required. 

(2) Mathematics classes in the Mathematics or Statistics Department must be taken for a letter grade. For a letter-graded class to count as a major requirement, a grade of C or higher is required.

(3) Lower division mathematics classes do not count as major requirements unless permission is granted by the CCS Math advisor.

Pre-requisites in CCS courses.

For a student to be able to move from one course to the next in a sequence of CCS courses, the student must get a passing number of units in the current course or have advisor's and instructor's approval. The following are considered sequences among the CCS courses:

CCS Discrete Mathematics I, II, and III.
Math CS128 - Topology - Math  CS 117 - Math CS 121
Math CS128 - Math CS 108A - Math CS 108B
Math CS 128 - Topology - Math CS 117 - Math CS 122A - Math CS 122B

For example, if a student is taking Math CS 128 this quarter and would like to take Math CS 117 next quarter, the student needs to get at least 4 units in Math CS 128 or have advisor's and instructor's approval to enroll in Math CS 117.

Policy on  access to graduate classes.

(1) Students require permission from the instructor of a graduate class to enroll in the course (find form in the math department office).

(2) Faculty of graduate classes may seek the advice of the academic advisor of the student before approving a petition to enroll.

(3) Only students who have completed or tested out of at least three of the sequences CS108AB, CS122AB, Math111ABC and Math118ABC can be approved to enroll in a non-seminar graduate class.

(4) If a student receives a B or less in a graduate class, a petition to continue the sequence will not be approved.

(5) Graduate Seminars (Math260’s) taken after Winter 2018 will not count as a math major elective.